What We Do

Africa Regional Mechanism for Major Groups is a self-organized and managed mechanism that facilitates African major groups, other stakeholders

Africa Regional Mechanism for Major Groups is a self-organized and managed mechanism that facilitates African major groups, other stakeholders, and civil society organizations’ participation in regional and global United Nations Sustainable Development processes. Through its structure ARMMGoS reach out to civil society organizations in all 54 African countries, sub-regional and thematic networks, major groups, other stakeholder groupings, and key regional constituencies to share information with them on regional and global policy debates and processes on sustainable development, promoting civil society consultations and dialogue, supporting national and regional advocacy and facilitating the participation of a diverse range of CSOs and marginalized groups in regional and global level dialogues and processes on Sustainable Development under the United Nations.

The mechanism undertakes these activities:

  1. coordinate and facilitate the coherent engagement of Major Groups, Other Stakeholders; and Civil Society Organizations in Africa on Sustainable Development and Post 2015 Development Framework Processes at Regional and Global Level;
  2. coordinate and facilitate access to and exchange of information, best practices and experiences on sustainable development amongst civil society, Major Groups and Other Stakeholders in Africa;
  3. contribute in defining and promoting the African narrative on Sustainable Development at national, regional and global levels.
  4. coordinate the contribution of African civil society organizations, Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (both technical and resources) towards the implementation, follow-up and monitoring of Agenda 2030, Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and other sustainable development related processes.
  5. coordinate and facilitate the development of common positions, statements, and inputs on sustainable development by Major Groups, Other Stakeholders, and Civil Society Organizations in Africa;
  6. liaise with: United Nations; UNECA; and UN Funds, Programs and Agencies on the engagement of African Civil Society, Major Groups and Other Stakeholders in Sustainable Development Processes at Regional and Global Level;
  7. coordinate and convene a civil society forum as a preparatory event before each African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development;
  8. represent and amplify the voice of Major Groups, Other Stakeholders, and Civil Society Organizations in Africa at the HLPF, and MGOS Coordination Mechanism Steering Group;
  9. contribute towards transparency and accountability in the implementation of sustainable development in Africa;
  10. facilitate and coordinate the invitations and accreditation of Major Groups, Other Stakeholders, and Civil Society Organizations in Africa in regional and global United Nations meetings on Sustainable Development.